Isnin, Oktober 18, 2010


"pergh...hotel" bukanlah perkataan yg terpacul dari mulut aku hahaha.......actly dinner meba yg first time aku attend mmg best gler heheh...event dia biasa2 lar dinner...kat hotel..bukan nyer club (astaghfirullh) or themepark kan.hahahah tp..makan dia best heheheheh.....lebih lanjut tengok gambar jer lah ek...

the one in the reflection is farah so called twin....hehe

with ecah..

with everyone haha

with farah hanna

with aja (kembar al)

with our "mak" like syafiq said...

with my cousin...kak na.....


hahahah cute2 kata syafiq hehe

im attending...

dah x da yg nak amikkn gambar kan haha

with mate from perak...

goodies and invitation plat...

seriously the mutton was greaaaatt.....nak lagi actly eheh

aaaa....x da pepe yer....

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